新潟・長岡などでご活躍中のまわしよみ新聞編集長の湯本泰隆さんが「まわしよみ新聞の遊び方」の「英語版」を作成してくれました!ありがとうございますー!( ´ ▽ ` )
“How to play Circulation-Reading-Newspapers (CRN,Mawashiyomi-Shinbun)”
1 Bring newspapers. Use scissors, glue, paper and pens. The richer the variety of newspapers, the richer it will be
2 Read the newspaper with everyone gathered. (If there are many people, they will be divided into groups)
3 Cut out the article you are interested in. (In addition to articles, advertisements, columns, weather forecasts, four-frame comics may be cut out freely.)
4 Participants give a presentation for each selected article one by one.
5 Decide “Today’s Top Article” and paste the article on the paper. Next to each article, write
the name and comment of the person you cut out with a pen.
6 Completed with “Circulation-Reading-Newspapers”, “Date”, and “Editorial Station (Location)”. Put it on walls or others visible place.